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Mnova 14.2.1 has just been launched as a minor release version with a great number of new or enhanced features for most of our products and the usual bunch of bug fixes!

  • Several new features for Mnova MS such as improved default settings for uploading MS data or labels can be added to mass spectrum peaks and datasets.
  • Mnova NMR – NMR VOI compression: A new algorithm for the efficient VOI compression of NMR spectra.
  • Mnova NMR – NMReData: Export NMR information following the new NMReData standard format.
  • Mnova NMR – Advised Processing tool: The most sensible processing options for most 1D and 2D NMR spectra.
  • Compliance tools such as Digital signatures & Audit trail.
  • Data Analysis panel – stack chromatograms from MS or UV detectors.
  • qNMR and Concentration determination: Improved usability, reporting, and many new features.
  • mestrenova

  • 2D NMR Resolution Booster: A new algorithm for the resolution enhancement of 2D NMR spectra.
  • A new Ensemble NMR Prediction that uses several prediction algorithms.
  • mestrenova

  • Mnova StereoFitter for 3D conformational and configurational analysis.
  • Mnova Gears for automating your analytical workflows with already 11 Gears bricks.
  • Mnova BioHOS for the determination of a biologic drug’s higher order structure.
  • Mnova ElViS for Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopies.
  • #Mestrenova software

  • Bringing all your analytical data into one single interface makes Mnova a piece of software with an extremely quick rate of learning.
  • Mnova enables you to increase your productivity by combining your analytical data in one piece of software.
  • #Mestrenova full

  • Perform any action available in the MestReNova Crack Mac graphical user interface but in full automation.
  • #Mestrenova torrent

  • Mestrenova torrent is a time saver and a very efficient way to process, analyze and report your data.
  • Excellent ability to manually interact with your data as well as to prepare an automated workflow to save your precious time.
  • Mnova combines all your analytical data within the same software interface.
  • Mnova has 3 basic plugins covering several techniques: Mnova NMR, Mnova MS and Mnova ElViS.
  • It can run a number of additional advanced modules such as mixtures analysis.
  • MestReNova Mac Crack is a multivendor software suite designed for combined NMR and LC/GC/MS techniques. It’s top class software suite to process your analytical chemistry data.

    #Mestrenova license

    MestReNova License File Mac integrated three new products Mnova ElViS, BioHOS and StereoFitter and fixed several bugs. The new version Mnova 14 Mac is a major release incorporating many new features in most plugins. MestReNova 2021 Mac is a multivendor software suite designed for combined NMR, LC/GC/MS and Electronic & Vibrational Spectroscopic techniques.
